The Youth Critic Episode 81 B: The Great Wall and A Cure for Wellness

This week on the Youth Critic podcast; Andy Comer from Reel Film Chatter and I talk about Original Movies, The Great Wall (and the controverseries surrounding it), and A Cure for Wellness.

Here’s where you can find my blog: 

 Twitter handles: @moviekale  @theyouthcritic @khznetwork @TheTalkingCan

 Also, We’re doing a patron where Michael Benton and Will Pitt get to put a dick joke on the show. So, please subscribe to the patron to hear dick jokes on my show.


TheYouth Critic Podcast Episode 80: Fifty Shades Darker/ John Wick Chapter 2/ The Lego Batman Movie

This week on the nearly three hour Youth Critic podcast; Patrick Campbell (from Reel Film Chatter), Mike Messina (Mike the Film Guy), Brandon Cooley, and Spencer Cantor about Fiffty Shades Darker (which I saw and ranted about) John Wick Chapter 2 (Everyone saw), and The Lego Batman movie, (which most of us saw). Also, we talked about Die Hard movies and sort of Old habits the book. 

Here’s where you can find my blog: 

 Twitter handles: @moviekale  @theyouthcritic @khznetwork @mikethefilmguy @pj_campbell @bustaspence 

You can find Patrick’s podcasts at 

 Also, We’re doing a patron where Michael Benton and Will Pitt get to put a dick joke on the show. So, please subscribe to the patron to hear dick jokes on my show.





The Youth Critic episode 79: Westworld

This week on the podcast; Mike Messina (from Mike the Film Guy), Jared Putnam, and I talk about HBO’s Westworld. Along with the movie it’s based off and the theories we have on Season 2. 

Here’s where you can find my blog:

 Twitter handles: @moviekale  @theyouthcritic @khznetwork @mikethefilmguy @jaredputnam 

 Also, We’re doing a patron where Michael Benton and Will Pitt get to put a dick joke on the show. So, please subscribe to the patron to hear dick jokes on my show.

The Youth Critic episode 78: Split

This week on The Youth Critic Podcast; Brandon Cooley, Chris Patton, and I talk about M. Night Shymalan’s new film Split. 

Here’s where you can find my blog:

 Twitter handles: @moviekale  @theyouthcritic @khznetwork 

 Also, We’re doing a patron where Michael Benton and Will Pitt get to put a dick joke on the show. So, please subscribe to the patron to hear dick jokes on my show.